“Borax” , also known as “crisp powder” or “golden water”, is a dangers chemical. That is prohibited for use in cooking. However, it is often added to meatballs and sausages to preserve the food. And make it chewy and crispy.
That Borax is odorless, fine crystals or white powder, soluble in water, and insoluble in 95% alcohol. It is used in industry and has the property of forming complex compounds. With organic polyhydroxy compounds. Resulting in a flexible, crunchy substance and a preservative. Therefore, borax is smuggled into many types of food, such as pork, minced fish, meatballs, pickled fruit, fresh chicken, and crispy pomegranates. Borax is a chemical prohibited for use in food according to theทางเข้า https://ufabet999.app.
Dangers of Borax
That if a small amount of borax is ingested. It may cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. However, if a large amount is ingested. It may cause kidney failure or death. If a small amount of borax is ingested continuously. It will cause fatigue, loss of appetite, dry skin, swollen eyelids, conjunctivitis, and kidney inflammation.
The Faculty of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, stated that consuming food contaminated. With borax is harmful to health, causing fatigue, loss of appetite, weight loss, toxicity to the kidneys, causing kidney and brain failure. Symptoms depend on the amount of substance consumed. If an adult receives 15 grams of borax or a child receives 5 grams. It will cause vomiting of blood and may cause death.
How to avoid borax
We can avoid borax-contaminated products by avoiding processed meat products. That are very brightly colored, too crispy, or have an unusually long shelf life.